Saturday, November 27, 2010

FAangband at github

A bit over a year ago, for various reasons (including the fact that I predominantly used Ubuntu at the time) I made a repository for FAangband at Launchpad.

A couple of months ago Vanilla moved to github. Having been involved now in V development there, I've become very used to git - more so than I ever really did to bazaar. So I have now put FA on github. I have done this by making my master copy both a bzr and a git repository. Currently, I plan to do most of my day-to-day work with git, then push changes to both github and launchpad. Bugs can be reported in either place; I may one day use the wiki feature on github; and I will continue to do forward planning through launchpad.

We'll see how it all works out.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Extended Characters

V fork now has extended character support - a windows build is here. My next task is to extend the standard V font set to include extended characters (and probably, while I'm at it, NPP-style door etc. glyphs).